With all the stress that goes with planning a wedding, there’s no doubt in our mind that you NEED a date with your boo. Now here’s your chance to be creative & put together an exciting & creative date night, but on a modest budget.
Here’s the Deal:
- Submit your idea of a fun date night with your love for under $50.
- If your budget savvy idea gets picked, you’ll get to go on your ultimately creative rendevous & put your idea to the test!
- The best part is we’re picking up the tab!
Isn’t that a fabulous idea? We sure think so! So go out there, put your creative hats back on because we know you’ve been really creative planning all the details of that fabulous wedding and have some fun! Submit your idea to & include your name, email, wedding date and detailed description of what you would do on a romantic date for $50. Make sure you read the rules below before you submit.
When you have been selected, this is what we need you to go out and do:
- Go on your creative & budgeted rendevous with your fiance.
- Capture your evening with photos, video, or anything that lets us feel like we were there too!
- Keep your receipts.
- Then report back to us & let us know how your idea worked out.
- The challenge is open to all engaged couples (sorry, no single or married couples please).
- Your date idea has to be completed for $50 or under. Include as many details as you can, such as exact location(s), activities you would participate in & an estimate of the cost breakdown for the entire date.
- You can submit up to 3 date ideas per contest period.