• A set of light dumbbells (two to eight pounds): “You can even use water bottles in place of weights.”

  • Whether you’re going strapless or backless with your wedding gown choice, chances are your gown will put your upper body on display for all to see. Build your bridal confidence with a workout that targets what will be your most exposed areas: the arms, shoulders, and back. Don’t have time to squeeze in an exercise routine between the venue walk-through, dress fittings, and cake tasting appointments? The following at-home takes just 15 minutes a day—no gym, so NO excuse!Unless otherwise directed, do one to three sets of each move, depending on your fitness level. As you get stronger, add more reps and another set. Do your chosen workout four times a week for the best results

1. Side plank

Start in a straight-arm side plank, your body forming a line from head to feet. With a weight in your free hand, lift your arm to the ceiling, then lower it to your side. Switch sides and repeat.

0905-poster-side-plank-rotation2. Lateral raise

Start in a standing position, a weight in each hand, palms facing legs. Raise your arms directly out to the sides, then lower them.

23. Front raise

Start in a standing position, a weight in each hand, palms facing backward. Raise your arms directly in front of you until they are parallel to the floor, then lower them.

4. Superman

Lie face down on the floor, arms extended in front of you. Lift your arms, chest, and legs up two inches. Hold for two seconds, then release.

20100624-no-equipment-8-600x4115. Floor T-raise

Lie face down on the floor, your arms out to the sides. Lift your arms, chest, and legs up two inches. Hold for two seconds, then release.


6. One-arm row

From a standing position, rest one hand and one knee on a bench or ottoman while holding a weight in the opposite hand. Keeping your back straight, pull the weight alongside your chest. Release. Switch sides and repeat.

7. Biceps Curl

Stand with a weight in each hand, arms at sides, palms facing forward. Bending your elbows, raise the weights to your shoulders, then lower them.

Bicep-Curl-Teen8. Triceps Dip

Sit on a sturdy chair. Supporting yourself with your hands on the seat, slide your feet and hips forward until your butt is off the chair. Bend your elbows, and lower your butt toward the floor. Straighten your arms.


9. Triceps Extension

Stand with a weight in each hand, arms at sides. Bend and lift your elbows behind you. Keeping the elbows back, extend your arms behind you until they’re straight, then lower them again.

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